Determining Types of Copper Wire

The Basic use of wire is to transmit electricity or telecommunications signals or to bear mechanical loads. Since its invention, it has been considered the golden standard for electrical wiring. 

Copper wires are the best kind of electrical conductor and they have different uses. The invention of the telephone especially raised the further demand for it. It is being used in various types of electrical equipment. Let’s find out a few general purposes wire styles.

Types of Copper Wire


GPT Wire

Circuit Wiring

TWP Wire

Usable as a thinner wire

HDT Wire

Used in Vehicles for the protection

SXL Wire

High-temperature applications

GXL wire

Used in engine compartments for higher heat resistance

TXL Wire

Applicable as lightweight wire

Nowadays Copper wire is typically used as an electrical conductor as other materials cannot compete with copper in terms of conductivity and stretchability. Commonly used copper wire types are –

Beryllium Copper Wire: It has the quality of high strength with non-magnetic & non-sparking properties. It can be applied to form complex shapes or springs. It is also corrosion resistant due to its flexibility.

Copper Alloy Wire: It is available in customized forms. The choice of alloy can be brass, bronze, titanium, or other metal. The primary usage of this type of wire is to make electrical contacts as usual.

Copper Clad Aluminum Wire: This is an electrical conductor wire with an aluminum core having copper cladding. It is comparatively less expensive than pure copper. It can be used in high-quality coils, RF antennas, portable loudspeakers, etc.

Copper Clad Steel Wire: It has the core of steel with high tensile strength and copper as its outer layer. It is used in medical products, hardware, magnetic assemblies, neuro-interventional products, Power supplies, conversion, and so on.

These are a few basic types of copper or copper insulated wires. Apart from these other forms too like Titanium Clad Copper Wire, Copper Nickel- & Nickel-Plated Copper Wire and many more. 
Now that we have discovered the different uses & different types of copper wire let’s focus on countries that are ahead of others in terms of copper production. According to US Geological Survey, 2020 world’s top 5 copper mining countries are

Country Name



5.7 million tons


2.2 million tons


1.7 million tons

Democratic Republic of Congo

1.3 million tons

United States

1.2 million tons

The necessity of Copper Wire: Copper Wires are still a necessity in the digital era. In today’s age, we are much dependent on copper wires for almost every electrical system. It is also a useful material that is less costly than other materials. 
Few people collect copper scrap for the scrapyard, and it can be sold at a good price. To do that it is important to differentiate between types. Separating them will bring the best price for the materials. 

Metal Type

Price (in Dollar)

Bare-Bright Copper Wire


Copper Tubing


Flashing Copper


Insulated Copper Wire





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